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Welcome to Darkenstein!
Darkenstein is the name of the game based on
Wolfenstein 3D. To operate Darkenstein, you must have Wolfenstein 3D Registered at the present.
I am working on shareware. The maps, enemies,weapons, walls, decorations, and objects have been
re-designed. For your help, here are a few things you will need to recognize and know:
These are the fully automatic ooze gun. All guns spray deadly ooze that burns through the skin.
These are the specially formulated bottles of pills. These give you 10% health.
These are the bottles of ooze the enemies carry and you will find throughout the levels. They count as
The Story:
You are B.J. Blazkowicz , and you have finally made it all the way through Wolfenstein. However, The evil scientist
Dr. Schabbs has somehow re-animated himself and is at work in the nazi medical laboratory. Here,
the most hideous human experimemts are being conducted. You must go through and destroy
Dr. Schabbs forever! Welcome to Darkentstein.
To install Darkenstein1.3, you need the registered version of Wolfenstein 3D. Simply download the
zipped file, de-compress it, and follow the directions in the read-me file! That's it!
Cool Stuff in Darkenstein 1.3
In 1.3, the enemies actually melt into a greasy, nasty, pile of blood
and OOZE! Almost all the wall images have been changed (like, all but two)! Plus, instead of just 5
or 6 levels, you get a full 10-level mission! All health items, and the ammo has been changed.
Darkenstein 1.0 , 1.2, and 1.3 were designed and created by Dan Young. My Hompage has a lot more cool stuff.
Wolfenstein 3D was created by ID Software and is Distibuted by GT Software.